Monday Mindfulness Meditation: Join us in a group soul re-sounding reset, ground, and center into presence and mindfulness on Monday. In these intuitive sessions we allow the flow and the energy of pure presence and beingness to unfold; to remind us of our grace, our vulnerability, and the ease that is our true nature. 7pm -8:30 pm MST
Transformation Tuesdays Session: We are transforming and transitioning so swiftly and massively into our pure cosmic, multidimensional natures as divine light beings. Such acceleratory and swift change through layers and layers of transition and expansion. Let us come together in these sessions to receive nourishing, anchoring, clearing through divine light codes; soft, graceful light frequencies and energies; and harmonic weaving upgrades and re-sequencing to fully integrate all of our facets. 7pm -8:30 pm MST
Galactic Frequencies: An intuitive group session guided by current galactic frequencies, energetic planetary star lineup amplifications, and galactic and planetary gateways. These deep immersions are galactic frequencies offered through frequency, sound, tone, and light to activate, open, integrate, expand, and accelerate on your unique journeys. 7pm -8:30 pm MST
Frequency Fridays Group Sound Session: These are group session immersions for upgrading, expanding, and anchoring high frequencies for our accelerating, ascending templates, cellular structures, cells, organs, and body/ energy bodies into beyond of the beyond-as cosmic beings of love and light. These immersive high frequency sessions are specifically designed to continue to weave all facets of our being into wholeness, divine love, and unity. 7pm -8:30 pm MST
Galactic Vibrations Sound Session: In these sessions we weave and anchor light, galactic frequencies, cosmic sounds and vibrations through our vessel, our lightship, our vehicle of travel- our light body- to undulate through all the facets of our physical being so we may anchor and permeate pure light and divine love- our true nature- through all the multidimensional layers and planes of our eternal existences. 3pm -4:30 pm MST
Galactivations Frequency, Sound, and Tone Session: We dive deeply into these vast, multidimensional and intuitive weaving waves with Benevolent inner and outer galactic Alliance frequencies and energies beyond and along side planetary, constellation, systems, and stars we have more predominantly and commonly heard about most recently. In these high frequency, sound, tone, and energy sessions we will access and offer varying galactic pure tones, energies, frequencies, light, and harmonics for activation, expansion, and unification. 12p -1:30 pm CST
Activating Telepathy through Frequency, Sound, and Energy : These sessions are specifically and intentionally designed to activate our inner wisdom and access to telepathy (our innate inner pure communication faculties) through sound, tone, frequency, light language/ code, and energy. These sessions offer high frequency, intentional opening and activating to innate inner telepathic awareness and wisdom that we all have available to us. 12p -1:30 pm MST
Stillness and Breath: In these sessions we connect within ourselves deeply: our breath, into the gentle ease and grace that is our innate and pure awareness state. We flow through the geometrics of breath, the undulations of stillness; the harmonics of our heartbeat, out into the vast abyss, and into ALL. 12p -1:30 pm MST
Additionally all group classes, events, and sessions will transition into studio in-person options soon while also being offered online in April. Every month the sessions, events, and workshop offerings will be rotating and evolving, as we all are. Next months' event calendar will be posted on the Calendar page prior to the end of the current month. All times listed are MST/ US Time and additional conversion charts may be found online. The exchange for services can be made through the Venmo QR code below.
They are $33/ 1.5 hour sessions
When sending your exchange through Venmo, please note which event/session(s) and date(s) you are signing up for. You will receive the Zoom room link shortly thereafter. Schedule for each event by emailing event(s) of interest to :, offer exchange through the Venmo QR Code below, and you will receive the Zoom room link.
Inquire direct with questions or sign up through email and the QR code below.